I finished this quilt yesterday. It is an Easter Quilt.
The fabric in all the centres, the outside border & the backing have Bunnies & Easter Eggs.
I quilted it with Bunnies & Hearts.
I made the quilt out of an old 12 (8.5") block kit I had made years ago.
I added sashings and borders to the blocks to make it bigger.
The next 3 pictures are some of the new kits I have been making.
I decided to make the new kits with alternating borders, as the old kits had all 12 blocks the same (as in the quilt above), but now the new kits have two lots of 6 (8.5") blocks... still ending up with 12 blocks that makes a quilt 24.5" x 32.5" without borders or sashings.
Here I have catered for the boys and made "Tractors"
The next kit is for girls, called "Owls".
Then I revamped some Christmas kits.
Hi there, Just wondering where you were going to be selling the quilt kits please? I'd love one of the owl ones if you still have one??? Thanks.