Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dish Cloth Received by my Swap Partner

My swap partner, Janice, that I sent to for the Dishcloth Swap received her parcel last week and took a lovely photo and posted it on her blog... for some reason I forgot to take a photo of my gift to her before I sent it, so pop over to her blog and take a look at the dishcloths, if you want to.

Until next blog..


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dish Cloth Swap and Covered Bag

I finished knitting my dish cloth(s), purchased the seeds and posted them off to my secret swapper last Friday. I know I was a bit early to send my Jellywares Washcloth Swap, but I knew I had to get in and do it straight away otherwise I would have fretted that I would run late. Now I have to sit back and wait to see what the receiver thinks!

On the sewing side, I have also made this:

into this:

I have so many projects in the cupboard that I want to start next, but can't decide which one to do first... anyone else have that problem?

It is my boyfriend's birthday today, so I held a bar-b-q at my place and invited his family around for lunch. Of course we followed the main course with a pavlova and I made a sponge with jam, cream, strawberries and passion fruit for his birthday cake. He was so embarrassed when the cake came out with a lighted, singing candle in the middle of it.

Well that's it for now. Until next post...

Cheers Jewells

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Charity Quilt

Last year I was in a row by row swap and decided to donate the finished quilt to charity. I named the quilt "The Toy Shelf" and invited the swap ladies to add a "shelf" of their favourite toy from their childhood to the quilt.

Along with adding the row, they took a photo of their progress of the quilt on a disposable camera and also wrote a few words on why they chose the toy they did.

I started the quilt with the bottom row of the teddy bears, as I just love teddies, and still have my first teddy given to me as a baby, oh so many decades ago!

Then the next ladies added matchbox cars, rag dolls, dinosaurs and kites, trains and lastly boxes of crayons, marbles and building blocks that went in the back of a toy ute.

I added the borders, and took it to the quilter who only charged me half price. I finished the quilt with the binding and was very pleased with the end result. I also put a book together of the photos and writings to go with the quilt.

I wrapped the quilt and book up and presented it to the "Orange & District Breast Cancer Support Group" for them to raffle. They have made the quilt first prize with other smaller prizes for runners ups.

If you are interested....the tickets are selling for $2 each and will be drawn on 26th October.

And the winner is.....

I decided to wait till the 9th of September was over on the other side of the world before I made the draw.........."just in case".

The winner is.... drum roll please.....

CHOOK (Beth)

So Beth, please advise me of your snail mail so I can post the tea towel to you.

Thank you to the comments left on my blog.

Until next blog....


Friday, September 4, 2009

My first attempt at Quilting

Well I have finally sewn the binding on the quilt that was my first attempt at quilting on a friend's machine. From a distance it looks OK, but "oh boy" it is uneven stitching! This is the front view......

and here is the back view................
The writing on it says "It's a Girl"... so it will have to go to a baby girl. It is made up of flannel material, but I would say it is more "flannelet" than flannel as it is thinner than the other flannel I have bought at quilt shops. The size is 42" square. I think I will try to sell it on eBay, but warn the bidders that it isn't quilted by an experienced quilter!!! (Far from it! LOL!).
I don't think I will quilt the green bear quilt top next, as I want it to be done nicer... so I thought I would make up another quilt top in rows and teach myself to quilt between the lines... a bit like going back to school.
On another note... Don't forget to leave a comment on the "Giveaway" (previous entry) to be in the running for one of my tea towels.
Until next post...